Friday, November 9, 2018

10 Super Fruits Diabetics Should Never Joke With

Finding out you have diabetes can be very scary, but don’t panic. People with diabetes can leave a long healthy life. For that reason, here are some important fruits diabetics should consume on a daily basis in other to live a happy and healthy life.

1 APPLES: The flesh and skin of apples are high in soluble fiber, vitamin c, and other antioxidants. Fiber slows down the digestion absorption of carbohydrates causing them not to spike your blood sugar levels rapidly. A person feels full after eating an apple due to the combination of fiber, water, and nutrients. The glycemic index of apple ranges from 30-50. This is why apple is an excellent fruit to include in your diet if you have diabetes.

2 CHERRIES: Cherries have a lowest glycemic index at 22 and don’t cause spikes in blood sugar levels. It also contains chemicals that boost insulin which helps control blood sugar levels. The chemicals are called anthocyanins.
 Anthocyanins are known to help lower blood sugar levels by increasing insulin production by 50%. They also help fight heart disease, cancer, and other diseases that are common among diabetic patients.

3 BLACK PLUMS: These fruit has a low glycemic index which keeps the blood sugar levels normal and has a beneficial effect on insulin sensitivity. The fruit helps to convert starch into energy and keep your blood sugar level in check. It can also cure the symptoms of diabetes including excess urination and thirst.

4 GUAVA: Guava is a high nutritious fruit choice for diabetes patients because it has a very high amount of lycopene, dietary fiber, and also rich in potassium, vitamin C, A, calcium and magnesium. Its fruits and tea of its leave are both beneficial for diabetics, as much research confirms that eating guava fruit without its skin can reduce the absorption of sugar in your blood. It also helps ease constipation and lower the chances of type 2 diabetes.

5 GRAPE FRUIT: Grape fruit is high in soluble fiber, vitamin A, C, and low in calories and has a low glycemic index at 25. It also contain flavonoid naringenin that help diabetics to increase the body sensitivity to insulin and helps in losing extra fats from the body and maintain a healthy weight. This is a vital part of diabetes treatment.

6 AVOCADO: Avocados are low in carbohydrates which mean they have little effect on blood sugar levels, also rich in fiber, fats and calories. The fats mostly found in avocados are monounsaturated fats, the heart-healthy kind that can keep your blood cholesterol levels under control and improve heart health.

7 STRAWBERRIES: Strawberries are considered as one of the best upper fruit choice for a diabetes meal plan because of its vitamins, antioxidants, dietary fiber, and lower in sugar content. Several studies show that eating strawberries in quantities of at least 2, 3 serving per week can lower the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. It has a low glycemic index at 40 and also helps to keep your blood sugar levels steady.

8 ORANGES: Oranges are popular fruit because of their natural sweetness and numerous health benefits. They are low in calories and rich in fiber, vitamin C, thiamin, folate and potassium. Despite their sugar content oranges have low glycemic index, ranging from 31-51. The low glycemic index is explained by the fact that oranges are rich in polyphenols and fiber which moderate the rise in blood sugar. Inclusion of oranges in your daily diet will calm your craving for sweet taste and also keep your blood sugar level under control.

9 PEARS: Pears are one of the best fruit for people who have type 2 diabetes because pears are rich in fiber and low in carbohydrates and calories; it has a rating of 38 on the glycemic index. One medium size pear contains 6g of fiber and just 100 calories and only 26g of carbohydrates.

10 KIWI FRUIT: It has low glycemic index ranging from 47-58. It is high in fiber and low in carbohydrates which aids in controlling blood sugar levels and lowering cholesterol. It is a good source of many essential vitamins and minerals such as, vitamin C, vitamin E, fiber, potassium, folate and high amount of beta-carotene that offer protection from several diseases and overall health.

So, enjoy your fruits and stay healthy all times. Don’t forget to share this post with your friends and family and also follow for more post. If you have any topic you would want us to discuss on, go ahead and put it on the comment box.

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