Monday, November 5, 2018


The liver is part of the largest organ in the body. It is located in the upper abdomen on the right side. The liver carries out several important and complex activities on the body, e.g. production of protein, synthesis processing and disposal of fats, processing and storage of carbohydrates, elimination and excretion of harmful biochemical products… etc.

Liver is very vital because it transforms toxins into waste making the body expel safely through poop or urine. These processes have to take place or else, we start feeling sick. So for that reason, it is highly significant that we do anything within our power to make the liver run smoothly.
There are various diseases that can harm the liver, such as, Hepatitis A, B or C, Cirrhosis of the liver, Fatty liver, etc.  In addition, many drugs we consume because of other diseases can also damage the liver.



1 YELLOW SKIN AND YELLOW EYE: If were not given birth to with these way, then it’s a sign that no healthy. It could also be called jaundice, this occurs when a weak liver allows the body to store too much bilirubin from diseased red blood cells, causing your eyes to turn yellow.
2 UNEXPLAINED WEIGHT GAIN: When the liver is damaged and is not able to fight off the toxins attacking it every day, the reduction of toxins and going to gym everyday will not help. The body becomes used to storing unfiltered toxins in the fat cells resulting to this condition.

3 EXCESSIVE  SWEATING AND BODY ODOR:  We can compare the liver with a car, when you drive it for too long without leaving it to rest then the temperature gets higher/ hot  leading it to cool itself b excessive sweating which then causes body odor.

4 CHRONIC FATIGUE: This is the most common sign when it comes to liver toxicity. The toxins disrupt the metabolism of the muscles and cause the body fatigue, aches, pains etc. The fatigue worsens when a backlog of toxins comes back and takes down the whole immune system.

5 BAD BREATH: If your bad breaths keeps coming then it might be a liver malfunction.
6 ACNE: Hormonal imbalance can be caused by toxins in the body end they are vivid through the acne all over the body
In case you are experiencing these signs then it’s very important you consult your doctor or “better still” Do a checkup on your liver to see it functioning adequately of it’s a bit rusty.

I hope you find this post useful, in case you do, please share it with your family and friends, leave a comment and stay tuned for more posts.

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