Saturday, November 3, 2018


Like we all know, there are numerous health benefits of drinking water. Here are few benefits of water to our health. Since our body is consisted of more than half of the water, then we simply have to regularly replenish its reserves. To maintain the health and well-being is necessary to drink at least eight glasses of water in a day.
Water does more than just quench your thirst and regulate your body's temperature; it also keeps the tissues in your body moist. You know how it feels when your eyes, nose, or mouth gets dry? Keeping your body hydrated helps it retain optimum levels of moisture in these sensitive areas, as well as in the blood, bones, and the brain. 
Lack of water in the body can cause the development of a whole bunch of serious diseases. This is said by many experts.  Over the years, the body less frequently reminds us that it needs moisture. However, this may signal other symptoms. In particular, against the background of dehydration occur frequent and severe headaches. The body is experiencing chronic fatigue, increased pressure and attention becomes distracted. As a rule, the regular appearance of such symptoms we begin to drink painkillers, while not even thinking about the causes of ailments. Therefore, if you drink a little water during the day or do not drink it at all, replacing water with tea, coffee, soda and other soft drink can easily cause dehydration.

 Another symptom of a serious water shortage in the body is the occurrence of constipation. Constipation is a common problem, characterized by infrequent bowel movements and difficulty passing stool.
Increasing fluid intake is often recommended as a part of the treatment protocol, and there is some evidence to back this up. Low water consumption appears to be a risk factor for constipation in both young and elderly individuals

 According to most scientists, adequate water intake supports normal kidney function, which, as we know, is a natural filter. Water provides the removal of toxic substances from the gastrointestinal system is mainly through the kidneys.
A hangover refers to the unpleasant symptoms experienced after drinking alcohol.
Alcohol is a diuretic, so it makes you lose more water than you take in. This can lead to dehydration  
Although dehydration is not the main cause of hangovers, it can cause symptoms like thirst, fatigue, headache and dry mouth.
A good way to reduce hangovers is to drink a glass of water between drinks, and to have at least one big glass of water before going to bed.
To crown it all, water is the basis of all life, so its use is not subject to doubt. Drink water and stay healthy!
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